Terraform kicks off the album and has a trancey, eerie introduction
which is quickly contrasted with the sharp tone of mid-range guitar
stabs. This continues throughout, and remains a theme within the EP.
Snare shots accent the beat, as you begin to hear the ‘following’ of
rhythms. Almost like call and response, Sean plays a riff which is
identical to the kick drum rhythm. This sequence is then followed by
snare quavers. It reminded me of Recreate by Born of Osiris, near the
This song
is great mix of sheer fast-paced rhythms spaced between glitch-driven
interludes. Hall and Farias have definitely made use of panning in this
track! Whilst the guitar stabs and rhythm are predominant, there are
ambient picked notes in the background. There is a small interlude with
glitch drums that breaks up the song before it drops again into the
punchy rhythms. 1.55 is very groovy, using whammy depressions – a technique becoming more popular in the tech metal scene nowadays.
Harmonies are definitely prominent here. A very melodic song, offering a
contrast to Terraform and Arrival. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still
packed with ‘djenty’ riffs and fast-paced solos. Towards the end, it
really fills out as the drums build up with the melodic guitar solos.
A cracking djenty riff is what drives this song. Short stabs, with
quick guitar runs. Snare shots accenting the beat helps bring this song
together and keep it tight! I like how there is a strong sense of noise
gated rhythm, but at the same time melodies that give the song direction
– and the tone is fantastic!
New World
In my
opinion, this is my favorite track on the album. It has the perfect
combination of progressive rhythms and catchy melodies. It’s also backed
up with some huge power chords! It begins with a tapping progression
and rhythm that you might find in a melodic metalcore composition. I
have to give him credit for the drum programming in this, some of the
fills and cross-rhythms very well done.
Terrestrial Album is an inspired creation from Diego Farias and Sean
Hall. As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve highlighted the ‘melodic’ element
within the songs – it really does describe the main feature of this
album well. The sustained picked chords separate this from many
‘djent’/tech bands, but the thing I like the most is that they are mixed
well so as not to detract from the epic rhythms! Good job lads, looking
forward to Terrestrial 2.0!
For Fans Of
- Elitist
This song is great mix of sheer fast-paced rhythms spaced between glitch-driven interludes. Hall and Farias have definitely made use of panning in this track! Whilst the guitar stabs and rhythm are predominant, there are ambient picked notes in the background. There is a small interlude with glitch drums that breaks up the song before it drops again into the punchy rhythms. 1.55 is very groovy, using whammy depressions – a technique becoming more popular in the tech metal scene nowadays.
Harmonies are definitely prominent here. A very melodic song, offering a contrast to Terraform and Arrival. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still packed with ‘djenty’ riffs and fast-paced solos. Towards the end, it really fills out as the drums build up with the melodic guitar solos.
A cracking djenty riff is what drives this song. Short stabs, with quick guitar runs. Snare shots accenting the beat helps bring this song together and keep it tight! I like how there is a strong sense of noise gated rhythm, but at the same time melodies that give the song direction – and the tone is fantastic!
New World
In my opinion, this is my favorite track on the album. It has the perfect combination of progressive rhythms and catchy melodies. It’s also backed up with some huge power chords! It begins with a tapping progression and rhythm that you might find in a melodic metalcore composition. I have to give him credit for the drum programming in this, some of the fills and cross-rhythms very well done.
The Terrestrial Album is an inspired creation from Diego Farias and Sean Hall. As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve highlighted the ‘melodic’ element within the songs – it really does describe the main feature of this album well. The sustained picked chords separate this from many ‘djent’/tech bands, but the thing I like the most is that they are mixed well so as not to detract from the epic rhythms! Good job lads, looking forward to Terrestrial 2.0!